Who is David Beck?

Photo of David Beck bestdrsydney

David beck is a 78 yo old (14/12/1935) retired government lawyer. This means he was a hopeless lawyer that couldn’t run his own business so he got a lousy government job.

His real name is Merlin David Beck but doesn’t like to be called Merlin. We prefer to call him the Devil. His wife left him for another man and that’s why he hates the world. Misery wants company.

What does David Beck do?

He spends his time destroying doctors/dentist/optometrist reputations without any proof. He runs a website called “Best Doctors Sydney” and writes to himself pretending he is a blogger. He also gets his family to write on his blog.

David beck is Jewish so if you are a Jewish doctor you have nothing to fear. He only goes after non-Jew doctors

david beck family

He is so evil and miserable he gets high on destroying the most valuable assets (the reputation) of the doctors/dentist/optometrist. He hates everything and everyone. Doctors, dentists, HCCC  politicians you name it. He is consumed by hatred and the likes.

Where does David beck live?

4-7 queens ave parramatta Sydney
His mobile is 0400299279
This information is on a very old blog he wrote.

Is it worth taking legal action against  David beck about a review he has posted?

He has his website hosted in the USA which means a forensic IT expert can’t see who posted his “genuine blogs”. His posts are usually done by his family. See photo of his children and grandchildren below.  In some cases it is the competition. Rarely are they posted by genuine patients.

They post negative reviews and he comments about them.

He also comments on a website called “ratemds” which is also hosted in the USA and doesn’t respond to your emails. They are on offshore Canadian company. That’s why he encourages his ” bloggers” to write on this website. If David Beck and his family  write on a local websites they could be exposed for writing fake reviews. See the article about a doctor in Melbourne.


Instead they write on rate md so they can’t be tracked. Very very sneaky. If they had nothing to hide they wouldn’t worry about writing on local review sites rather than offshore review websites.

Should I respond to his emails?

Never write back to him. He just makes fun of you.

Can I sue for defamation?

He is a lawyer so he knows what to say without getting into trouble.

I can’t sleep at night. I worked all my life to build my reputation and now he is destroying it in 5 mins.

You are not alone.  You are the victim of cyber bullying. We have all been there. It put a strain on my marriage,  I got so depressed.

Believe in yourself. We decided to study medicine/optometry/dentistry because we are caring people by nature. The devil will eventually consume this wicked person!!!

Go to hell David beck. That’s where u belong!!! So many people are waiting for that day.

We have hired a private investigator to look into the dealings of this man and his family who write on his blog. We will publish the address of all associates (which includes his family, son and daughter) as soon as we find out. We know that his son is a IT expert.

The purpose of this website is to help Drs, optometirst and dentist deal  with the emotional trauma caused by David beck and his family. Please know that you are not alone. The last thing we want is one of our colleagues to take their life because they feel their reputation has been destroyed.

How can you help?

If you are a Doctor,optometrist or dentist please tell all your colleagues so they can refuse to treat this old bastard if he comes to their practice.

Let’s get the word out!!!

He doesn’t deserve to get free medical treatment on medicare then turn on the dr, or  dentist. We probably pay for his pension as well with our taxes.

He thinks he is a expert in the medical field but has no right to judge something he knows nothing about.

Please tell us your story.


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